Mini Food Cake Decorating 101
Let’s Talk Cake Decorating 101 with Chef Gina.
I feel like this is a really important topic to touch base on with handmade mini food. It is so important to know the difference between materials that mini food artists make and what you are bringing into your home. Some of us have thousands of dollars valued in our collection and we purchase quality dolls at high end prices. Me personally, I don’t want cheap garbage, I am like that in clothing I buy too. I definitely want quality pieces that will last me a life time. Face it, we work hard for our money and I want my items to last.
The main materials I am discussing today are: Royal Icing, Fondant, Plaster of Paris, Gum Paste and Rubber (which my cakes are made of).
Royal Icing: Royal Icing is typically used in cake decorating to get a nice hard icing look. The basic recipe includes, powder sugar, meringue powder, water and coloring. Think of the super cute cookies with designs. These beautiful cookies below are made with royal icing. These are edible cookies and they taste delicious. But, if you let them sit, in time they get old. If you use Royal Icing on a fake cake, yes, you can get beautiful intricate detail. However, Royal Icing fades, it cracks and since it is made with powder sugar, its going to attract ants and bugs. Not to mention in time it will fall apart.

Royal Icing Cookies
Fondant: Another product I am seeing people use for mini food. The recipe for fondant is marshmallow and powder sugar. Nothing screams Ants on this one. Fondant will also give you extreme detail on a mini cake. Fondant in time fades and cracks over time. Here is a picture of a beautiful cake that is covered in fondant as well as the flowers made of fondant.

Fondant Cake
Plaster of Paris: Plaster of Paris is typically used on ceilings. It is also used to make casts in the medical field. Plaster of Paris is not durable, it crumbles and will crack in time.
Gum Paste: Gum Paste is powder sugar, egg whites, salt and vanilla. Gum Paste is extremely delicate. Gum paste are usually the flowers on wedding cakes. This will also attract bugs, crack and crumble in time.

Gum Paste Flowers